Wednesday, December 10, 2008

SACAP Newsletter for December 2008


Frenetic, frantic, freaked out are words that would describe a lot of people in the business world at the moment.

If we had to heed the news one would think all is doom and gloom and we could get into a very negative mindset as a result. If we are not careful this negativity can become a habit and attract more negativity in its wake that will ultimately have a negative consequence in our lives and organisations.

We could choose to think “this too shall pass” and rather focus on what is working, what is good, and how this situation can be an opportunity rather than a threat.

Martin Seligman PhD, the father of Positive Psychology, found in his research that optimism is a habit of thinking, rather than a function of your personality. This is good news for us because it means that optimism can be learnt. By consciously focusing on the positive aspects in our lives, we change our state and become more positive.

Optimism does not mean that we have to be in denial, like an ostrich with our heads in the sand, but rather a realistic optimism where we take action to work towards creating the future we desire.


When the economy is in a bad state and we face a number of challenges with high interest rates, radical fuel and food price hikes, volatile markets, skills shortage, an unstable political environment, getting less for our rand, and where even the most dedicated and passionate of us are facing “burnout” because of “downsizing”, having to deliver more with less resources, and burdened with the chronic sense of urgency amongst other things, it is absolutely essential to find ways to survive and thrive.

"Now is the best time to get your Systems in place for optimal effectiveness so that when the tide turns, you are ready and able to ride the wave."

We invite you to share with us what your current challenges are and what you are doing to gear yourself up for the next upswing in the economy, so that we can assist you with information and tips to tide you over.

Send your comments, suggestions, requests, or challenges to: Sonja

We are working on a fabulous programme for next year. Now is your chance to put your requests in....

"What topics would you like to hear more about: Continuous Professional Development, Self Development, Business or something else? "

WORKSHOP: “Dealing with HIV in Counselling and Coaching”

Gavin Reid and Sue Wildish presented a very successful HIV Aids workshop on the 29th of November.

Gavin says: ” The delegates were able to share their experiences of HIV, learn vital information about the disease and how it is transmitted, and also gained valuable insight into some of the factors that contribute to stigma and unease around HIV in South Africa. This was followed by lots of opportunity to practice tools and techniques that are essential to a counsellor or coach dealing with a client affected by HIV.”

Sue Says: “One of the things that being part of the group really brought home to me was that everyone had experienced HIV or Aids in some way.

Whether it was through a job, through family or friends or simply by just being out in the world - every member of the group in the room had a story to tell. And each experience was different. Each perception of what HIV and Aids actually is - was different.

What became common to us all was the knowledge that HIV is a manageable disease. And that knowing this truth is the first step to helping people to live HIV positive lives.”

Participants say:

“It was absolutely worthwhile, straight, clear and to the point”

“Clearly experienced facilitators in the field”

“Explained in detail what HIV is”

“Many people need this exposure”

“Facilitators relaxed, open, easy and direct”

WHAT'S ON at SACAP in January 2009

· Facilitation 1 Workshop from the 27-30 Jan 2009
SACAP Training Outlines for Facilitation I

· We are in Full swing from the 2nd of February 2009


We at SACAP thank you for your support the past year, congratulate you on your achievements, and whish you everything of the very best for 2009.

Go safe! Go well!

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